Upcoming Events:
IVGID Trustee 2024 Candidates Forum, Incline High School, Monday Sept. 30, 6-9PM
Conversation Cafe, Aspen Grove Bldg., Thursday October 3rd 10-11:30AM
Incline Village Crystal Bay Republican Women’s Lunch/Candidate Forum, Tuesday Oct. 8th, 11:30-1:00PM
Questions Received from Voters and my answers in Blue. Some answers were edited for content and clarity.
From CP:
Are you in favor of contracting out rather than keeping the IVGID employees? Heck NO!
Are you in favor of selling off the golf courses? Double Heck No, and don’t believe the lies you might see on social media
Are you interested in expanding services to the community - such as updating the IV Beach Chalet? Yes, but not at the 16 million current cost estimate, I believe that the current building is abominable, and the current routine use of portable outhouses is unsightly and unsanitary!
Were you in favor of decreasing our taxes last year so that our cards were worth less (and less revenue for IVGID as a whole)? This is a complex subject, in general I want the smallest tax that is required. My first priority is the fix our finances, we are one step away from the county taking over our districts finances, which I don’t think anyone wants! My NASA experience including managing multimillion dollar annual budgets required me to develop financial skills that I will bring to bear as a trustee.
Were you in favor of Ms Schmidt trying to micromanage operations?My management style is to empower my team to do the job! I only get involved and provide guidance, feedback and support when needed. I trained many senior successful NASA leaders in this approach and feel that it will be my duty to assist our district similarly.
Were you OK with Mr Tulloch being rude to employees during board meetings? After observing lots of Trustee meetings over my years here, there is very limited time to extract information from the IVGID staff and so Mr. Tulloch’s and other questions can appear “rude.” They often get stacks of written material hours before the meeting that they have to attempt to consume prior to the meeting. I presented the IVGID’s Golf Advisory Committee’s recommendations, which I believe were not listened to at the time. I felt rushed and possibly not respected as well as I would have liked, and reacted accordingly. You can observe my interactions with the Board and make a judgment for yourself. One of my tenets is Respect for all, even for those I disagree, it is well defined on this website. But I understand the very real problem of the time constraints and folks appearing to be rude. So I believe that the board material should be provided much sooner than the day of the meeting, allowing for the trustees to consume and understand the information possibly to reduce the appearance of being rude.
Questions from JM
What would you do to address the increasing need for subsidies?
Ans: At this time nothing since our IVGID finances are in disastrous and untenable shape! That said, we need to fully understand our budget, both the details of the expenses and the revenues. I was hoping that when the trustees requested that staff do zero base budgeting last year it would detail the real needs, and thus the expenses of all our venues. So zero based budgeting requires the managers to prepare their funding based on efficiency and necessity rather than historical allocations. It is also a best practice for the managers to convince not only the funder (You and I), but also each other as to the necessity of their funds. It was interesting, in last May’s budget marathon, when the venue managers said that they didn’t know what their budget was until it was handed to them. So obviously IVGID didn’t do zero-based budgeting! In my NASA executive experience, we always did zero-based budgeting, and the challenges that I experienced from other managers provided me with the skills and tools to convince the funders that my proposed budgets were necessary. So until we understand the real requirements and funding needs, I would push to halt any other financial recommendations. If after that, we need more resources, I would push to bring the details and data to the voters to get their approval.
Diamond Peak has been subsidizing operations at other venues. Do you think DP revenues should pay for DP projects?
Ans: Yes but with the following considerations, due to excellent management and compatible weather, DP has been able to make a surplus. That said, if all of its surplus is used to fund other venues it will have nothing left to reinvest in itself to remain a competitive and money making operation. There is a real need to upgrade many of its chairs and lots of folks want an updated Snowflake Lodge. This won’t happen if it isn’t allowed to use some of its funds for long-term improvements.
One candidate said he thought we could double or triple proposed facility fees and still receive an incredible value. Would you feel that way with a $2340 fee?
Ans: No, I believe until we get our finances in order, no one should be proposing any increase in fees, taxes or bonding. Once we have a fully transparent and understandable budget and finances then we might consider going to the voters and explain the potential need for more revenues and discuss with the community what we need to cut to get our finances in balance. These may be hard choices, but it needs to be accomplished.
Do you think trustees should approve bonds without a bond election? Why or why not?
Ans: No, this is my position, I believe that if we wish to bond a major capital improvement project that we should go to the voters for their consent. There might be an emergency condition that might require quicker action than a vote, so in this condition I would push for a town meeting to discuss and attempt to get consent.
Do you think the Hyatt and other hotels/STR’s should pay a higher Facility Fee since they derive a substantial economic benefit from our Facilities? If so, how much?
Ans: Possibly yes, I know many of the apartment/condos pay a Facility for each separate residence. And I have been told that the Hyatt pays only a single user fee. This seems very unfair. So I would propose that our staff do an analysis on the amount of usage that the hotels and STRs use and price their fee accordingly. This could even be a fee based on the previous year’s usage, that could be refunded in the current year if usage went down.
We have a shared use agreement with the School District. Will you ask WCSD for some free use of the new school dance studio/culinary arts areas?
Ans: I have no opinion of this now due to not having a copy of the agreement. I do though want to understand this agreement and any other agreements with local, state or national governments or non profits for shared use or otherwise partnership agreements.
Would you favor an across-the- board percentage discount for parcel owners rather than setting different discounts everywhere?
Ans: Possibly, some discounts are based on the ability of the particular venues to cover some aspect of their expenses. I believe DP does heavily discount their resident ski passes, due to the influx of visitor usage. Currently I think until we fully understand our finances that I would be premature in making this type of recommendation.
Many communities have citizen budget committees. Would you support such a committee here?
Ans: Yes, I was shocked that we didn’t have one.
Pre-covid we had a very extensive community survey. Demographics have changed. Would you support a new survey before committing funds for major projects?
Ans: I believe we need a real strategic plan for our community before committing to any new major projects. Our current one is a joke to anyone that has actually produced strategic plans. Good strategic plans are hard but important work and should also have a complimentary financial plan. A good strategic plan usually is developed with participation of the following benefactors: 1) funders (you and I), 2) Implementers (IVGID staff and management) and 3) potential major contractors to make guesstimates on large capital improvement projects. This provides a good approach for actually implementable long range plans.
Questions Received from Voters
From JH:
What governing body determines how IVGID exists, and how it is governed?
IVGID is a governmental body chartered by Washoe County and approved by the State of Nevada. It is governed by the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS). There are many rules associated with general improvement districts and their responsibilities.
Are the laws of governance and the rules regarding the election and
duties/responsibilities of trustees flawed?
Trustees are elected by their communities for in our case
a 4 year term. They are elected much like most elected individuals during our normal election cycle. Their duties and responsibilities are duties are detailed in their published policies as described on the BOD page on the IVGID website. In general they are to provide oversight and direction of our districts resources, providing policies to the IVGID general manager for his/her implementation. Similar to a board of directors for a company. They have one major job function, hire a qualified General Manager to execute the policies and the day to day management of the IVGID resources.
Are trustees supported, advertised, and hopefully elected to support a financially motivated agenda, such as short term rentals and beach access?
They can have conflicts of interest that must be disclosed
by the trustee, usually associated with their employment outside their
trustee responsibilities. As such they can own and manage STRs or other
real estate activities. If they are supported by funds from donors, this
needs to be disclosed, and published on the Nevada secretary of state’s
website. nvsos.gov <http://nvsos.gov> . Access to beaches is governed by our Ordnance 7 in accordance with “The Beach Deed”. Both documents are available from our IVGID website. Trustees can revise ordinance 7 as necessary, but must be done in accordance with a series of public meetings. Last time a committee was formed to review and update ordinance 7, which recommended the limiting of punch cards which adversely affected STRs, since they no longer had the ability to have an unlimited reload capacity to provide visitors access to the beaches. This has had the unintended consequences of causing large extended families to have difficulties enjoying our venues like they had in the past. These challenges should be addressed by the new board.
IVGID and the Board of Trustees are only responsible for 4 major things and can only issue and control improvements and rules associated with
the development of the property and functions. The 4 items include 1) our water and sewer infrastructure, 2) beaches, 3) golf courses and Chateau, 4) Diamond Peak ski resort and our various parks (village green, skate park, Preston Field, and I think the playing fields association with the Middle School). They are not responsible for roads, schools or business licenses/permits, sheriff or fire flighting. These are the responsibilities and governance of Washoe County. The one exception to snow removal, I have been told, is a neighborhood for which we clear the snow for some reason. I think it is considered by Washoe County private property associated with Diamond Peak. As I understand it the Snow is cleared for free of charge by our Diamond Peak staff.
From JG
In the candidate debate, you mentioned the Recreation Facility Fee and possible over-collection. Did you know this fee is more likely a tax?
As I understand it the fee was originally justified to pay for bonds that were purchased to improve the golf courses. Once the bonds were paid off, IVGID continued to collect the Rec fee. It actually built up close to 20million in revenue over the last 10 years. In 2021, the current board recognized this issue and canceled the Rec fee in 2022. Then last year our employee cost went up 25% year over year so the board added a Rec fee back this year. Now IVGID has the authority to charge a fee, but only for a specific purpose. This fee appears to be a tax since it covers many items. So my interpretation is that it is a tax rather than a fee. IVGID does have the ability to tax but as ad valorem (meaning on your accessed property value or transaction). I believe the voters should be given a chance to decide on whether or not they should be taxed.