My Platform

I believe as a trustee we need to fulfil the following tenets.  Stewardship, Transparency, Accountability, Respect and Sustainability, I call this my STARS candidacy, reflecting to my career roots at NASA.  These are nice words but what do they mean to me and how do they apply to our beloved Incline Village and Crystal Bay community.

Stewardship: Trustees are entrusted to conduct careful and responsible supervision and management of IVGID resources.  This assures all community resources from Diamond Peak to our beaches and infrastructure from Crystal Bay to Sand Harbor and beyond are well maintained both today and for years to come.

 Transparency:  Trustees must allow the light of the community to shine on all their decisions affecting its residents. Beyond our decision making, we need to ensure our IVGID enterprise is also transparent in its extensive finances and operations for the benefit of its community.

 Accountability:  Trustees have the fundamental obligation to accept the responsibility and account to the community for their actions and decisions.  As such, I promise to discuss, define and if necessary, defend my actions with all members of our community with clear facts and gathered community opinions.

 Respect: Trustees must provide special attention to all views held by our community members.  I will always be willing to hear, learn and potentially adapt to views held by our community members and treat them with the importance for which our community members deserve.  I may not always agree with all views, yet I hope with civil debate and discussion we can both learn and understand the rationale behind all views. 

 Sustainability:  Trustees need to ensure that our community resources are conserved, replenished, and enhanced in a responsible and sustainable manner.  I have great affection for our community and environment and will ensure all my decisions and actions will maintain our environment and community for our children and our children’s children.

My overriding theme is trust, which is at the heart of the word Trustee.  Trust is not something a candidate can state.  Trust is given by the voters if they believe in a candidate’s reliability, truth, and ability for which they are entrusted.  I hope during the election process you will consider providing your trust, and that following the principals I laid out as a trustee will provide continuous feedback of the trust you have granted. These are the tenets that will serve as the principals of my candidacy if the voters select me as an IVGID Trustee.